Thursday, July 10, 2008

The doctors.

Maybe It’s just me. I’m scared shit less right now. I don’t want to go to the doctor. I don’t want to have my physical to make sure everything is running properly. Actually I don’t really care about that. I can have then grab my boobs and weight me and hit my knee a couple times, but honestly do we have to go the vagina? Do we honestly have to? NO! Plus it’s not even my regular doctor. It’s a dude this time and he’s probably an old perv man. So guess what I did, I shave half of the va jay jay hair. I wanted to share that with you guys…so when I walk in he will be like WHAT?!?...

But I think I may go just finish it off…he’s not gunna see my privates nope! I’m good without that in my life! I’m perfectly fine. He can show me a picture of the “average” one and ill describe to him that it is exactly the same…or else I will remember that I’m on my period (which I’m not). But hell, hes going to have to add a tranquilizer shot to my bill today if he thinks he’s getting anywhere close to my vagina. It’s not for him, it’s not for anyone…just me!

My Mizzmo, adds in every time, “Meaghan, every girl has to get that checked out its life deal”. My response is, “No, its okay…he will make it without looking at mine today!”

I’ll let you guys know it goes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meaghan...I swear to Magogg, I told you from day one, this wasn't going to be one of THOSE appointments. You knew good and well it wasn't! Cheeses of Nazareth.

But you are right, you do at some point have to go and get your vajayjay inspected. Deal with it...the rest of the female species has to!