Thursday, January 15, 2009

College Round 2

Over the course of the first semester of school I didn’t blog at all I don’t think. But now I think I would like to get into the habit of doing it again. I have the time and now I think I’d like to write. I’m “thinking” a lot know a days. Isn’t it wonderful?

After the first week of school, which I’m still going into right now it seems to be taking forever but I am extremely happy that I am back. I’ll get into winter vaca some time when I feel like it. Which probably means later on in this post.

The college experience, well isn’t that something to talk about! I love this life and it does keep me on my toes. I can never be bored. You want something to do, there always is something to do. I have explained this before. I work more then any other kid on my floor. I am running constantly and I really wouldn’t have it any other way.

This semester I have English, Data analysis, Economics, and western civilization. I have to say compared to the last semester I have a good head on my shoulders and know what will and wont work. Studying wise, socially, eating, pretty much breathing as well. I feel like this semester even though it’s the first week I’m getting my moneys worth. Economics is mind blowing and I feel like I’m getting in on a big secret that the average public doesn’t get to know. It’s an expensive secret but in the end I’m starting to feel like it will pay off.

I will blog later, but I’m back on my horse and proud to be. I know only like 5 people at most read this but I’m writing for me. Except or reject it. In the end the public eye is only one.