Friday, July 31, 2009

Ten Days Later...

To all of you that work 40+ hours a week. Come home and be a parent then blog, I give you props like you wouldn’t believe. I figured since I was working at night and had motivation to blog I would more often. Well it’s been ten days and I can say that this is not the case. I can have more motivation then super man at 3 in the morning to come home and write an entry and by the time 8 am comes. All I want to do is say good night to my friends and go to bed. So please forgive me. I will try harder.

As for the rest of life. It’s good. In a matter of 11 days my twin will be living in the same house as me and I am extremely interested to see how that goes. I haven’t seen him for a while and I will admit he is the one and only person I miss from back in Washington besides my littler brother Noaky. Above all I love him and have missed him. If I were still in Washington I would be going right down the shitter if you will, my mom and step dad have bravely taken me on and their time was well spent. No matter what they got me and in the end my accomplishments as well. They will be starting a new chapter when I finally fly the coop and go do my duties in the Air Force. They will have my twin. They will be setting him on the right path and for two individuals to do that…is really damn down straight breathe taking. I love them for what they embark on. My brother will finally be in good hands and it’s a blessing, as he should count on it too, that they have greatly taken him in under their wings.

Any other part of my life is the regular right now. I know normal doesn’t put asses in the seats but hell nothing about my life isn’t normal at them moment. I will try to blog once or twice every two weeks. So we will see what happens. Don’t hold me to that.

: )

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Time Not Wasted

I promised myself back at college I wouldn’t write on a blog any more. It caused problems and I had nothing really to say. As the days in my life go by I guess you could say I’m growing up. My opinion on much doesn’t change but what I do, does.

I recently took a trip of a life time to BlogFest. To put it simply, it was amazing. I have never met finer people in my life. My emotions on the topic change throughout the day because of how much I figured out I miss it. I miss Virginia and I was there for 4 days. I met people that I never want to lose. I met women from all over the country that had opinions all over the score board. If I could have just been a bystander off in the marshes while all these women were taking pictures or hid under the deck, on which we had many meals, I would have been just as content. Real feelings, real laughter and real smiles were all you got there. That’s enough to make a person shut up and smile themselves.

I had my own worries coming into this get together. Being a 19 year old, getting prepared to enter basic for the Air Force in a few short months, and being a loud mouth that people have already read enough about in my mother’s blog, I can clearly say I had a reputation to uphold. I couldn’t speak my mind there as I pleased and I couldn't swear as much as usually did…or so I thought. I watched my mouth but I didn’t shut it and for the most part to my knowledge I don’t think many people minded. I was welcomed the way I was. . . bitching about having to wear a dress, swearing at fiddler crabs, and just merely being 19.

I have a story about each one of the ladies and one day I will tell you them all. Every one should understand the joys I went through with this crowd. It really is breathtaking but I’ll save that for a different time.

I live in Maine so Virginia was a huge difference. I loved it and would very much so love to move down there after my career in the Air Force. We all can have goals can’t we…? I learned a lot about the outside world there. What humidity really was and what REAL bugs were...

That small microscopic “thing” if found in grasses that retarded teenagers run through, such as myself….But I didn’t get any…they are called Chiggers. Small bugs the nestle themselves in a humans hair follicles thus causing… bites that look like the one on this lady's (assuming it is a woman due to the nail polish) foot.

I can tell you after I found out that they lived in the grasses of this beautiful place I loved so much, I did not walk across any lawns and it wasn’t because I was being polite.

Over all I was treated as an adult in an adult situation. It felt good to share the same jokes and understand the stories the women told. I felt like I belonged with them.

Lastly and most importantly, I have my mother to thank for this trip…I am so very proud we didn’t kill each other going down or coming back up but most importantly…she did it. She showed how beautiful she was inside and out and I do believe she was loved by everyone.

Thanks mama
And Thank you to all of the wonderful and unforgettable ladies I met…